Are You Ready to Invest?

“Saan ba ok mag-invest?”

Have you ever asked that question?

In my practice as a financial planner, that's the top question I've been asked.

More often than not my answer will be, 

“It depends…” or “Ready ka na ba?”

There may be a hint of sarcasm in there BUT truth is,   I’m just doing my due diligence as a financial planner.

So.. if you’re one of those who’s been asking the same question, fret no more!

You don’t have to deal with my sarcastic answers because I’ve prepared a sarcasm-free readiness checklist for you so that you’ll know if you're TRULY READY to start investing.

Subscribe to MIP Wealth Letters, and get “Are You Ready to Invest” checklist as a bonus!

Who is behind Millionaire in Progress or MIP?

Yow!   My name is Prex, a financial planner.

Believe it or not, I was once lost.. a fresh graduate from the province who’s looking for an opportunity in the Metro area. I had high hopes for my first paycheck, only to get disappointed to know that it’s barely enough to pay for my necessities.

Five years later, I’m doing far better in terms of career, income, investments and even in relationships.

How did this happen? 

I learned how to invest but money is just a part of it. 

It’s largely because I decided to invest in financial literacy by reading books, attending seminars, partnering with IMG (more of this later) and ultimately, by taking action.

Yup, I’m a big time advocate of financial literacy - the very reason why I created Millionaire in Progress.

I wanted to share how I did it through my MIP  Wealth Letters so you can do it too!

Before we continue, here's a fair warning..
MIP is NOT for you if you are:

❌ Somebody who’s looking for a way to immediately get rich without doing anything. 

 Somebody who cares only about the latest trends because you heard it from a certain “financial guru”. 

 Somebody who believes that there's not enough time to learn about personal finance. 

  Somebody who is not willing to invest  for  financial education and just want to get all the “FREE” stuff. 

 Somebody who constantly give excuses and complaints instead of actually taking action. 

Let me get this straight. I’m here to guide you but  80% of the process will be on you. You will become your own financial educator. After all, it’s your money.

As I was once an engineering student, I would say that personal finance is like Math - you won’t be able to solve calculus equations without knowing how to add and subtract.

You won’t be able to safely manage “calculus-level”  investing without a strong financial foundation. 

You might think it’s boring but it worked for me and also for the 1,608,111 Filipinos that IMG helped in the past 18 years.

As I’ve already mentioned, IMG or International Marketing Group played a big role in helping me build a solid financial foundation.

Now, I am paying forward by sharing what I’ve learned through my brand, Millionaire In Progress.

Sharing a photo with fellow financial educators and with my mentors Rex Mendoza, CEO of Rampver Financials and Fitz Villafuerte,  Founder of Ready to Be Rich, in one of our IMG Conventions.


Why should you believe me?

No magical tricks, just practical strategies that you can apply in your daily life to improve your finances. 

Let's hear it from the personal messages & testimonials for Ate Prex of MIP:

~ I will help you if  you show that you really want learn.


Sometimes, tough love is necessary.   After all,  you can't change your situation by doing the same things over and over again.

~  I'm also actively posting content and personal stories in  the Millionaire in Progress FB page.

~ and here's a feedback for IMG's SSBYF book. Who knows, I might give you THIS BONUS book when you sign up for the MIP Newsletter.
And yep, I will NOT force you to buy any financial product from me ;)

Here’s the thing, money can always be made but time cannot.
It doesn’t matter if you are rich or not, we all have 24 hours a day.
I chose to commit a portion of my 24 hours to help you improve your financial situation. Whether you grab the opportunity or not, that is for you to decide.

"Meeting with Ms. Prex is an eye opener on how to deal with my finances properly. She's a good listener and adviser too. I see in her how knowledgeable and driven she is in her advocacies. Thank you Ms. Prex! I'm glad to know you and it made me wanna seek more financial advices. "

She Ganancial
Medical Tech, Quezon City

"I was really inspired and happy with the outcome of my conversation with Ate Prexel. This serves as an eye opener for me on how important it is to manage my hard earned money and prepare for the future. Keep on inspiring and continue to be a blessing to people like me Ate Prexel. I was really moved! "

Angge Cabildo
Software Engineer, Mandaluyong City

"Very informative and good source para sa kagaya kong naghahanap ng guide sa financial journey. I am very happy sa service kase kahit sunday at kahit napakalayo ng byahe niya ay napuntahan niya kami para matulungan."

Chrstin A.
OFW, Macau

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9th Flr Kings Court Bldg 1
Chino Roces Ave.,
Makati City, Philippines

+63 905 5696 540